Abonos Vivos SA - Abonos Vivos SA

Abonos Vivos SA

Abonos Vivos SA
Our company Abonos Vivos S.A seeks with the Essential Costa Rica certification, improves our quality and production protocols, seeking innovation in each of the projects we carry out. In addition, our company seeks changes in its corporate image, in order to expand its portfolio of national clients and venture into the export of our “Organic Fertilizer” product.Omar Gonzalez Arrieta

Omar Gonzalez Arrieta

We represent



Social Progress


Costa Rican Rooting

Know Us

We are a leading company in the transformation of organic waste into high quality products for both the home and intensive crops. We have more than 20 years of experience, contributing to the development of agriculture and environmental protection. Our product, Organic Fertilizers Abonos Vivos, is a quintessential soil improver because it has benefits such as supplying continuous, balanced macro and micro nutrients, increasing ion exchange capacity, so it allows a higher percentage of efficiency to be obtained of the fertilizers that are used, among other benefits.

