Liga Agrícola Industrial de la Caña de Azúcar - Liga Agrícola Industrial de la Caña de Azúcar

Liga Agrícola Industrial de la Caña de Azúcar

In LAICA, taking into account the sustainability, excellence, innovation, and social progress to improve our products is a guarantee of our commitment to the consumer. Marca País comes as a tool to make the efforts more visible and promoter of our fundamental values. Ivania Chaves / Sandra Vega – Gerente de Exportaciones / Gerente de Mercadeo y Ventas

Ivania Chaves / Sandra Vega
Gerente de Exportaciones / Gerente de Mercadeo y Ventas

We represent



Social Progress


Costa Rican Rooting

Know Us

The Sugarcane Industry Association (LAICA; for its acronym in Spanish) is a non-state public entity with private and public qualities where producers and mills come together. The organization of Costa Rican sugarcane producers began in 1940 as the Protection Board for Sugarcane Agriculture. LAICA was created through Law no. 3579 in 1965 and reorganized in 1998 through Law no. 7818. There are ten work centers where sugar-based products are made, sold, stored, and distributed. LAICA have had developed biological pest controllers, sugar cane genetic improvements (NON-GMO).

